Greg Marcus works with a limited number of people for 1:1 coaching.
Are you looking for help managing difficult relationships at work, or achieving work-life balance?
Are you dealing with a challenging family situation, like a severed relationship, a concern about an adult child, or just trying to get by with the crazy busy parenting life?
Perhaps you are on a journey, looking for more meaning and purpose in your life. Or, perhaps you are looking for ways that Mussar can help you become more patient, less angry, or more self-confident.
Greg Marcus can help you understand your spiritual curriculum, and work with you to establish and maintain a Mussar practice to help you manage the obstacles life puts in your way.
The fee for working with Greg is $175 an hour, which includes email support. A package of 4 sessions is $150 and hour, and a package of six sessions is $125 an hour.
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