The newsletter comes out every two weeks, with updates and information about Greg’s spiritual journey with an invitation to join him in a Mussar Practice. You’ll also get information about the American Mussar Community Gathering, which meets Thursdays at 4 PM Pacific on zoom.
nikki says
Hi Greg, I met you at the kitchen sf a couple of weeks ago. Just wondering if you have any classes going on.
Greg Marcus says
Thanks Nikki for reaching out. I just sent you an email.
Steve Sandberg says
Please sign me up!
Greg Marcus says
Lisa Marshall says
Just wanted to switch to my personal email. Can you switch to this email? Thanks!
Carrie Fradkin says
Please sign me up for the American Mussar newsletter. I would also like to join the weekly Community Gathering zoom session on Thursdays.
Asher says
Sign me up for respecter please
Marilyn Groff says
Thanks for this website.
Marilyn Groff says
please sign me up. Your instructions are not very clear. I want to sign up, not make a comment! What is the website space for? I don’t have a website. I didn’t know what to put in the blank. Only option I can see is to leave a comment.
Terri says
Request to sign up. Thank you.