Try This Ancient Practice of Spiritual Growth.
Each of us has a unique spiritual curriculum. We will find ourselves faced with the same challenges again and again until grow and heal past them.
Not everyone is awake. Since you are here, I suspect you’ve started to move past the sleepwalking phase of your life, and are a seeker.
Those of us on this path often use a variety of tools and approaches – Buddhism, yoga, MBSD, prayer, journaling, meditation… There is also a growing number of Jewish friendly tools on that list, such as Kabbalistic meditation and Mussar that bring forth other avenues to spirit that can be accessed by people of any faith or of no faith.
My name is Greg Marcus, and I’m passionate – you could say obsessed – with helping people make the changes in their lives that they are longing for. And, to my surprise, I’ve found that there are Jewish and Jewish friendly tools that are incredibly effective in doing so. The one that has most impacted my life is called Mussar. (If you’ve never heard of Mussar, you are not alone.)
Rather than spend more time in head-space, let’s move over to heart space. If you take a few minutes to take the Soul Trait Profile Quiz, you’ll know whether Mussar has something to offer you. The soul is something people have been pondering for thousands of years. The only soul that matters is yours.
Rather than try to understand your soul all at once, the soul trait quiz will introduce you to a new way to understand your soul.
We all have the same Soul Traits, but different amounts of each. Soul Traits out of balance make it hard to be your best self. When you take the quiz, explore where you sit on a spectrum for many traits like Humility, Patience, Truth and Trust. And when you’re done, you’ll get your own soul trait profile diagram, like this one to the above. Click here to take the quiz.
If you learn even one thing about yourself, you’ll have an opportunity to sign up for a few emails to help you try the practice.
"If, like me, you’ve read books from many spiritual traditions in support of your mindfulness, good life, and care for the world, I invite you to also open this one. Greg Marcus has written a beautiful book springing from Jewish traditions that is accessible to all. The clarity he brings to profound practices is a treat." Amazon review of The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions.