21st century Jewish spiritual practice for an authentic and meaningful life
Contact Us – American Mussar
We’d love to hear from you! Tell us why you are interested in American Mussar. If you have a Mussar practice, tell us about it. And if you are new to Mussar, welcome!
Jonathan Brackersays
Thank you, Greg, for writing The Spiritual Practice. . . I think it is very well written, engaging, and helpful. I had read Alan Morini’s books and they are fine but yours has virtues of its own.
Thank you so much for offering this. I’m learning so much!
I think week 3 might’ve gone to my spam, because I have 1, 2, and 4.
Would you please resend week 3 of the Taste of American Mussar?
Hi Roseann – Thanks for reaching out. The subjectivity of the quiz is exactly the point. It is the first step of looking within. “How do I see myself?” is but the first step. The course and book will help give you a reality check, and offer points along the way to help you achieve balance and healing.
I am an emergency physician viewing the best and worse of American society on a daily basis. I watch miracles of survival and unexplained sorrow. At 64 I am closer to the end of my career than the beginning. I had never really heard of Mussar. I was intrigued by your article in My Jewish Learning, a publication I find interesting and informative. Much of what you said I have thought privately in my own mind so I see good in it. My grandparents were Orthodox from Lithuania (depending on the borders at that minute) and some of the Litvak roots appealed to me.
Now here is the excessive truth trait in me. I was disappointed when I watched your video. At first, I chuckled at the clear MIT metrics you applied to this but as your “infomercial” continued I was turned off and slightly embarrassed at the approach. This is the same marketing techniques I see late at night when I can’t sleep. I could have substituted “Mussar” for any product or a better mousetrap, money back guaranteed except for shipping and handling. Far be it from me to offer advice to a Ph.D. from MIT, no less, but tone down the hard sell.
I do believe there seems to be much good to be taught from Mussar. It is unfortunate it has been couched within a “movement” of sorts. I do intend to read more by starting with my Lithuanian roots by Rabbi Salanter and will form my own conclusions. I thank you for your original article and introduction to Mussar, but please tone it down. Thank you for listening.
Bruce – thank you so much for the feedback, and the subsequent email correspondence we’ve had. So glad you let me know that retired video is still in circulation.
More importantly, I’m super happy that you’ve found Mussar and it resonates with your family history.
I took the quiz but it seems as though some links are broken, or maybe it’s my browser? There was no image of my quiz answers and neither of the buttons worked (download and email). Anyway, I’d like to get my results, maybe you could help me? Thanks
Thank you, Greg, for writing The Spiritual Practice. . . I think it is very well written, engaging, and helpful. I had read Alan Morini’s books and they are fine but yours has virtues of its own.
You are very welcome!
Thank you so much for offering this. I’m learning so much!
I think week 3 might’ve gone to my spam, because I have 1, 2, and 4.
Would you please resend week 3 of the Taste of American Mussar?
I took the quiz. It’s too subjective for my tastes and therefore useless. I may read the book but am relieved I did not purchase the program
Hi Roseann – Thanks for reaching out. The subjectivity of the quiz is exactly the point. It is the first step of looking within. “How do I see myself?” is but the first step. The course and book will help give you a reality check, and offer points along the way to help you achieve balance and healing.
Dear Greg,
I am an emergency physician viewing the best and worse of American society on a daily basis. I watch miracles of survival and unexplained sorrow. At 64 I am closer to the end of my career than the beginning. I had never really heard of Mussar. I was intrigued by your article in My Jewish Learning, a publication I find interesting and informative. Much of what you said I have thought privately in my own mind so I see good in it. My grandparents were Orthodox from Lithuania (depending on the borders at that minute) and some of the Litvak roots appealed to me.
Now here is the excessive truth trait in me. I was disappointed when I watched your video. At first, I chuckled at the clear MIT metrics you applied to this but as your “infomercial” continued I was turned off and slightly embarrassed at the approach. This is the same marketing techniques I see late at night when I can’t sleep. I could have substituted “Mussar” for any product or a better mousetrap, money back guaranteed except for shipping and handling. Far be it from me to offer advice to a Ph.D. from MIT, no less, but tone down the hard sell.
I do believe there seems to be much good to be taught from Mussar. It is unfortunate it has been couched within a “movement” of sorts. I do intend to read more by starting with my Lithuanian roots by Rabbi Salanter and will form my own conclusions. I thank you for your original article and introduction to Mussar, but please tone it down. Thank you for listening.
Bruce – thank you so much for the feedback, and the subsequent email correspondence we’ve had. So glad you let me know that retired video is still in circulation.
More importantly, I’m super happy that you’ve found Mussar and it resonates with your family history.
I took the quiz but it seems as though some links are broken, or maybe it’s my browser? There was no image of my quiz answers and neither of the buttons worked (download and email). Anyway, I’d like to get my results, maybe you could help me? Thanks
I would like to learn more about Mussar.
Hi Antoinette
There are some great resources at the bottom of this page. https://americanmussar.com/get-closer-to-judaism/
Feel free to use the form if you have particular questions.